Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and taking the time to read my story.
This blog adventure began as a way to store and share all of our favourite dishes with family and friends. It has given me a creative outlet, a place to share my thoughts and to grow and improve my photography. I know I have a long way to go on the picture front, but some day I hope to be up there in the ranks with all those other drool worthy food shots.
My style of cooking is simple but delicious comfort food made with common ingredients readily available in the grocery store and from the farmer’s market. Although I do periodically use shortcuts from the store, I make every effort to cook from scratch every day. Inspiration is gathered from my large archive of treasured family recipes and my extensive cookbook collection where I tweak and adjust to our family’s taste. Only the recipes that make a regular rotation are shared here.
As a family, we have always gathered round the family table every night for dinner. I treasure these times that we spend catching up on everyone’s day and having great conversation (sometimes heated) and very often, once the meal is complete, the plates are pushed aside and we engage in a friendly game of euchre or cribbage. Our antique table came from my husband’s Grandmother and I’m sure it could tell many a story!
Some things about me:
- I have a weakness for chocolate
- A well written book can make me cry
- I can sit for hours engrossed in a good book but can’t sit still for a movie
- Hubby is my principle taste tester (You don’t see him complaining!!)
- I have three grown children and two grandkids
- Collectively, our family has many animals – dogs, cats, birds, chickens, ducks and cattle
- I have been known to eat dessert for breakfast (please don’t judge me!)
- The kitchen is my happy place
Gather round the table and I hope you find something your family will enjoy!!
Feel free to contact me here with any questions or just to say hi!
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